#!/bin/bash # ${1} is original filename # ${2} is counter (start at 0) # ${3} is file to replace from replace(){ # change newlines to Ñ so we can use it as replacement pattern local pattern=$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/Ñ/g;s/\(\/\|\.\)/\\\1/g' "${3}") if [ ${2} != "0" ] # Ñ is changed back to newlines before saving file then local new_content="$(sed "1,/^include \"\.\/[a-z]\+\.nft\"$/{s/^include \"\.\/[a-z]\+\.nft\"$/${pattern}/}" "${1}""$(bc -l <<< "${2} - 1")".nft | sed 's/Ñ/\n/g')"; echo "${new_content}" > "${1}${2}".nft else local new_content="$(sed "1,/^include \"\.\/[a-z]\+\.nft\"$/{s/^include \"\.\/[a-z]\+\.nft\"$/${pattern}/}" "${1}".nft | sed 's/Ñ/\n/g')"; echo "${new_content}" > "${1}${2}".nft fi } filename=filter declare -i counter=0 # only replace local files declare -a local_includes=( $(grep "include \"\./[a-z.]\+\"" filter.nft | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d \")) for i in ${local_includes[@]} do replace "${filename}" "${counter}" "${i}" counter+=1 done #rename last temp file to nftables.conf counter=${counter}-1 mv "${filename}""${counter}".nft nftables.conf counter=${counter}-1 while [ ${counter} -ge 0 ] #delete the rest of the temp files to nftables.conf do rm "${filename}""${counter}".nft counter=${counter}-1 done # figure out what countries, if any, we're blocking declare -a countries=($(ls -1 /var/geoipsets/dbip/nftset/ipv4/)) # figure out which line defines the elements of the blacklist set line="$(grep -nA3 blacklist nftables.conf | grep elements | awk 'BEGIN{FS="-"} {print $1}')" # insert names of the countries to block into the line that defines the elements of the set for i in ${countries[@]}; do sed -i "${line} s/elements = { \([A-Z]\{2\}\.ipv4,\? \)*/elements = { \1\$${i}, /" nftables.conf done # delete unnecesary last comma sed -i "${line} s/, }/ }/" nftables.conf