#!/bin/bash # TODO: # - save last 5 VODlists and offer replay function to avoid refetching unnecesarily # ${1} (optional) username to search VODs of [ "${1}" = "-h" ] || [ "${1}" = "--help" ] && { printf "usage: getvods \n" exit 0 } # ${1} is a string with error reason stated # ${2} is an optional string to report a different error status on_fail(){ printf "last ran command error status: %s\n" "${2:-${?}}" printf "error: %s\n" "${1}" exit 2 } CFG_DIR="${HOME}/.config/getvods" [ ! -d "${CFG_DIR}" ] && { mkdir -p "${CFG_DIR}" || on_fail "${CFG_DIR} doesn't exist and couldn't be made (check write permissions to ${CFG_DIR})" } # get twitch api credentials [ ! -f "${CFG_DIR}/client_id" ] && { read -p "enter your twitch API client_id >" client_id [ ! -z "${client_id}" ] && printf "%s" "${client_id}" > "${CFG_DIR}/client_id" || on_fail "couldn't write client_id to ${CFG_DIR}/client_id" } || client_id="$(cat "${CFG_DIR}/client_id")" [ ! -f "${CFG_DIR}/client_secret" ] && { read -p "enter your twitch API client_secret >" client_secret [ ! -z "${client_secret}" ] && printf "%s" "${client_secret}" > "${CFG_DIR}/client_secret" || on_fail "couldn't write client_secret to ${CFG_DIR}/client_secret" } || client_secret="$(cat "${CFG_DIR}/client_secret")" # get access token get_token(){ curl -s -X POST https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token -d "client_id=${client_id}" -d "client_secret=${client_secret}" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" > "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" || { last_err="${?}" rm "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" 2>/dev/null on_fail "couldn't get token (curl error)" "${last_err}" } bc -l <<< "$(date +%s) + $(grep -o "expires_in\":[0-9]\+" "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" | awk -F : '{print $2}')" > "${CFG_DIR}/expiration.txt" || { last_err="${?}" rm "${CFG_DIR}/expiration.txt" 2>/dev/null on_fail "couldn't save expiration date" "${last_err}" } } [ -f "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" ] && [ -f "${CFG_DIR}/expiration.txt" ] && { [ "$(cat "${CFG_DIR}/expiration.txt")" -le "$(date +%s)" ] && get_token } || { get_token } access_token="$(grep -o "access_token\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9]\+" "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" | awk -F \" '{print $3}')" [ -z "${access_token}" ] && { last_err="${?}" rm "${CFG_DIR}/token.json" on_fail "couldn't get token (token empty)" "${last_err}" } # get the username to search for declare -i retries=0 [ ! -z "${1}" ] && { [ "${#1}" -ge "4" ] && [ "${#1}" -le "25" ] && grep "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\{4,25\}" <<< "${1}" >/dev/null && { login="${1}" break } printf "username must be between 4 and 25 characters long\n" printf "username may have only characters a-z A-Z 0-9 and _\n" retries+=1 } [ -z "${login}"] && { while :; do read -p 'type in username >' login [ "${#login}" -ge "4" ] && [ "${#login}" -le "25" ] && grep "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\{4,25\}" <<< "${login}" >/dev/null && break printf "username must be between 4 and 25 characters long\n" printf "username may have only characters a-z A-Z 0-9 and _\n" retries+=1 [ "${retries}" -ge 3 ] && on_fail "exceeded max retries" "1" done } # get user id [ ! -f "${CFG_DIR}/userlist.txt" ] || [ "${login}" != "$(grep "${login}" "${CFG_DIR}/userlist.txt" | awk -F ":|," '{print $4}')" ] && { user_response="$(curl -s -G -X GET "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/users" -d "login=${login}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" -H "client-id: ${client_id}")" last_err="${?}" [ "${last_err}" -gt 0 ] && on_fail "couldn't get user_id (curl error)" "${last_err}" parsed_user_response="$(grep -o "id\":\"[0-9]\+\",\"login\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9_]\{4,25\}" <<< "${user_response}")" last_err="${?}" [ "${last_err}" -gt 0 ] && on_fail "couldn't get user_id (user_id empty)" "${last_err}" unset user_response sed 's/\"//g' <<< "${parsed_user_response}" >> "${CFG_DIR}/userlist.txt" unset parsed_user_response } user_id="$(grep "${login}" "${CFG_DIR}/userlist.txt" | awk -F ":|," '{print $2}')" # save json with first 20 videos tied to the user id we just got vodlist="$(curl -s -G -X GET "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/videos" -d "type=archive" -d "user_id=${user_id}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" -H "client-id: ${client_id}")" last_err="${?}" unset client_secret client_id [ "${last_err}" -gt 0 ] && on_fail "couldn't get VOD list (curl error)" "${last_err}" parsed_vodlist="$(sed 's/^{"data":\[\|],"pagination":{\("cursor":"[a-zA-Z0-9]\+"\)\?}}$//g' <<< "${vodlist}")" unset vodlist [ -z "${parsed_vodlist}" ] && on_fail "vodlist empty (no VODs found for ${login})" printf "%s" "${parsed_vodlist}" > "${CFG_DIR}/streamarchives.json" unset parsed_vodlist unset user_id last_err vodlist parsed_vodlist utf-16-surrogate-pair-decode() { # shamelessly stolen from stackoverflow local out="$1" local remain="" local regexp='(.*)\\u[dD]([0-9a-fA-F]{3})\\u[dD]([0-9a-fA-F]{3})(.*)' while [[ "${out}" =~ "${regexp}" ]] ; do # match 2 \udxxx hex values, calculate new U, then split and replace local W1="$(( ( 0xd${BASH_REMATCH[2]} & 0x3ff) <<10 ))" local W2="$(( 0xd${BASH_REMATCH[3]} & 0x3ff ))" U="$(( ( W1 | W2 ) + 0x10000 ))" remain="$(printf '\\U%8.8x' "${U}")${BASH_REMATCH[4]}${remain}" out="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" done printf "%s%s\n" "${out}" "${remain}" } printf "VODs of ${login}\n" declare -a titles declare -a duration declare -a urls declare -i j=0 while IFS= read -r i; do titles[${j}]="$(utf-16-surrogate-pair-decode "${i:9:-2}")" j+=1 done < <(grep -o '"title":"\(\\"\|[^"]*\)*",' "${CFG_DIR}/streamarchives.json") j=0 while IFS= read -r i; do duration[${j}]="${i:11:-1}" j+=1 done < <(grep -o "\"duration\":\"[a-z0-9]\+\"" "${CFG_DIR}/streamarchives.json") j=0 while IFS= read -r i; do urls[${j}]="${i:7:-1}" j+=1 done < <(grep -o "\"url\":\"https://www\.twitch\.tv/videos/[0-9]\+\"" "${CFG_DIR}/streamarchives.json") unset j for i in {0..19}; do printf "%s:\t%s %s\n" "$((${i}+1))" "${titles[${i}]}" "${duration[${i}]}" done declare -i retries while :; do read -p "choose a video from the list (type 1-20) >" choice grep "[0-9]\{1,2\}" <<< "${choice}" && [ "${choice}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${choice}" -le 20 ] && break printf "%s is not a number from 1-20\n" "${choice}" done printf "%s\n" "${urls[$((${choice}-1))]}" | xclip -selection clipboard